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Schools & Teachers

The CALM Project is a partnership between primary care clinics and high schools

The Program aims to bring medical professionals into Nebraska schools to speak directly to teens about mental health. The main goals of The CALM Project are to educate teenagers on identifying mental health issues, eliminate the stigma of mental health disorders, raise awareness that these are treatable medical conditions, and provide treatment resources. The CALM Project curriculum is specifically designed to empower those in need of mental health care to seek treatment.

The CALM Project is provided at NO COST to the participating schools. It is geared towards teens in grades 9-12 and can be done either in-person or virtually. The presentation is about 30 minutes long.

Participation in the CALM Program includes:
  • 30-minute interactive presentation for students by a community physician about mental health (In-person or virtual)
  • Student Cards (1 per student) that provide quick access to mental health resources for teens
  • Parent Handout (PDF) that provides reliable mental health resources for parents and guidance on how to care for a teen with depression
  • School Poster that includes the same information as the “Student Card” and may be displayed in your school

Interested in having a CALM Project presenter come to your school?

Complete the form below and we will assist you in scheduling a presentation in the time and format that works best for your school.


Teacher Resources

Teachers are often some of the most trusted adults in a student’s life. As a teacher, you spend a great deal of time observing students’ behaviors and may be the first one to notice warning signs of a mental health disorder.

Classroom Mental Health Resources for Educators

  • Classroom WISE: a FREE 3-part training package that assists K-12 educators and school staff in supporting the mental health of students in the classroom. Visit ClassroomWise.org for more information
  • Classroom Mental Health: A Teacher’s Toolkit for High School: Visit https://classroommentalhealth.org/

If you feel that your students may benefit from the CALM Project, please reach out to us or share our website with your administrator.

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